Thursday, August 24, 2006

Fibromyalgia Part Deux Lupus Part One

Did you ever wake up in the morning and wonder what the day would bring? I have - today especially. As I mentioned in my last posting, I had an appointment with a doctor about my fibromyalgia. What I neglected to mention was that at the same time I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, my blood work also indicated that I might have Systemic Lupus. At the time, ten years ago, that was pretty serious so I was relieved when the second test did not confirm the diagnosis.

What I didn't know then and have since learned is that this is not uncommon. Over the last ten years, this same scenario has repeated itself over and over until three years ago when I began to experience what are known as "flare ups" or flares as I call them. They always start with a sore in my nose or mouth followed by a rash on my face and then extreme fatigue. I have learned how to compensate since I know the warning signs. But the past 12 months have been very hard, I have been sick like I was in 1996 when I was first diagnosed - every week it seemed that I was coming down with whatever was going around - and that just isn't like me - I never get sick. I guess I can't say that anymore.

Three years ago, a rheumatologist put me on medication designed to help with the fibromyalgia but since the second test for lupus was not positive, did not treat me for that. In May of this year, I got sick - this time it was the lymph glands on the right side of my neck. I was sick for a month and nothing helped it. I lost the job I had at the time and have been tired ever since - I can't seem to get enough sleep.

Today, the doctor examined me, a different doctor this time and he asked me if I had any rashes that he needed to know about. Honestly I hadn't thought about it but when he said it, I pointed to two perfectly round spots on one of my arms. One had faded from bright red to an almost skin-colored dry path - the other was still red. I had other spots like these on my thighs just above the knees and just below the waist. I have had them this year in other spots. They don't itch at all - they are just red spots - almost like a bug bite only not raised. And they are perfectly round. The doctor took one look at these, helped me off the table and then explained that he was putting me on medication for lupus - even before the blood tests come back.

I left the doctor's office and went to work. I had known when I went this morning that he would tell me what he did but I kept hoping I was wrong.

So now I am entering a new phase. I know, because of my age and my health, that most likely I won't be able to work until I am 65 like most people. So for the next year, we are going to concentrate on reducing our debt ( we really only have a couple of car payments) and putting money into savings so that we can survive on one income. Then, if there comes a time when I can no longer work, we will be prepared.

I still have Fibromyalgia only now it is complicated with Lupus. I will keep you posted and if the tests come back negative again, we can have a blogging party to celebrate - I'll even bring a picture of the cake!

Until next time.